Ukraine Outreach Project

Here is a terrific opportunity for you to reach out and make a real difference in someone's life. We are reaching out to the civilians of Ukraine that are directly affected by the war. Will you join in or help fund us?

Urgent Needs

  1.  We s ll need a lot of help covering the repair costs to the Hilux that was wrecked a year
    ago. If your church could please consider a special designated offering regarding this, we
    would really appreciate it. We’ve paid out over $8,000 already. These 4x4 trucks are the
    heart & soul of our humanitarian outreach across the vast county into the villages.
  2.  Due to Russia’s incessant targe ng of the na onal power grid, we are under severe rolling
    blackouts. Temperatures right now today are 97F. With the power being taken out for days
    at a me, combined with the daily 6+ hours blackouts, refrigerators and freezers simply
    can’t keep food safe. Please understand the very cri cal nature regarding health & safety.
    We need to immediately secure 2 inverter generators. Each generator costs $1,600usd
    If your Sunday school or men’s group or church would like to take this project on, please
    no fy our home church so funds can be tracked & accounted: 704-545-0937 Faith Bap st
  3. IFAK these are Individual First Aid Kits, which each soldier needs to have to keep himself/
    herself and/or fellow soldier alive when injured. We give this with a pocket New Testament
    with our 24hr contact info as I con nue to serve as a military Chaplain. If your Sunday
    School or group would like to provide some of these, we’d be thrilled to have you onboard
    in helping us as we reach with the Gospel those frontline soldiers who are defending us.
  4. Sergei - he should be arriving in the States by the end of July and we’re seeking 20 churches
    who want to hear firsthand how things have been here on the eastern front. Suppor ng
    bro Sergei represents an extraordinary opportunity to greatly assist in the Gospel ministry
    here in Ukraine. Please either contact our home church (704-545-0937) or my Skype USA
    number: 704-993-6766, just remember I’m s ll in Ukraine, +7 hours from EDT